Pitch fx command

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  • #30669


    Too bad this project is on halt and not polished…

    Can I have more in depth explanation on how the pitch up/down/slide fx command works internaly, I mean how the speed and depth are calculated and applied, thanks.



    What do you mean by “not polished”? What do you want improved?

    about the pitch, the value you give is simply added to the period, as 8.8 fixed point integers. So a pitch up of #100 will decrease the period of 1 every frame. #180 decrease the period of 1.5 every frame.


    Thank you for the explanations.

    There are a few things that could be improved.

    Copy-paste in the instrument editor, the ability to modify the value of multiple selected cells simultaneously, and why not the ability to interpolate data from a block.

    In the pattern editor, it would be good to be able to modify values under the cursor with ctrl+arrows as we can do with notes, as well as being able to enter numerical values directly on the numeric keypad rather than shift+num and we can’t reassign the keys for that.

    Being able to modify the interface colors would be nice.

    In the YM-analyser, I find the export limitation of 64 ticks very strange.

    Something really cool would be a global pitch set/up/down control FX per channel, an effect that shifts the channel’s period at the very end if you see what I mean.

    Another nice thing would be to be able to control the noise frequency directly in the pattern, for example using a pitch table to modulate the noise as we can do for instruments…

    These are some ideas… Thanks.

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