The Expression panel

An expression is a list of values that is used to add more "expressiveness" to your song. An expression is used in any track via an effect. The list of them is here. The main advantage of the expressions is that they can be reused as many times as needed, and for any instrument.

There are two types of expression: Arpeggios and Pitches.

  • Arpeggios help simulates chords by changing the note as quickly as possible. These changes of notes are defined by semi-tones. Thus, a minor chord arpeggio would be 0, 3, 7, a major 0, 4, 7, etc.
  • Pitches change the... pitch of the note. Vibratos can be created with them, but you can also create nice attack using slides, or any other crazy effect you can imagine.


This button switches between editing Arpeggios or Pitches. By default, the Arpeggio panel is selected.


This creates a new expression. This then asks for a name, so that you don't get lost with all your expressions.


This lists the available Expressions. Selects one to edit it.


Expressions always loop when their end is reached. These indicates the index of the values to loop. Note that it is possible to have a very long expression, but only use a subset of it. Don't worry about the unused data: they will be optimized on export.


This allows the expression to be played very fast (0), or very slow if wanted (255). Note that an effect allows to override the speed, so there is no need to duplicate an expression if you want to play it at a different speed at specific moment.


The expression icons

This duplicate the current expression into another one, which slot is asked, as well as a new name. A confirmation message is shown if overwriting an existing expression.

Use this to rename the expression.

This clears an expression. Note that it only clears its data, it does not delete it and shifts all the other expressions.


The value icons

 This inserts new values where the cursor is. You can copy contents quickly via this option.

 This deletes the selected values.