import YM files

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  • #561

    hi Targhan,
    I was wondering something about the new arkos tracker:- is it possible to load/import ym files, or is that a technical headache to do (i do not understand the format of ym files, perhaps they are very ‘difficult’ files to work with?)


    This is not really possible, or would require a huge amount of work for something that could be far from useable. YM is just a list of registers to send to the PSG. So it does not convey information such as “sound 1 is a bip, starts here and ends there”. You would have to decode the stream and “guess” where each note starts, ends, and recreates the instruments and tracks accordingly.

    It would be hugely complex and what the algorithm would consider a “good” sound would actually be unusable by a human. I’m sorry, but this can not be really done.


    cool ok thanks for explaining that, i guessed it must be a ‘nightmare’ kind of format but thought i would check with you anyway 🙂

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