Import Song as Subsong

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  • #29887

    I have 3 x AKS files

    Would it be possible to merge them as sub songs, or when adding a new sub song have the option to add from aks


    Mmmmh, having a “merge” instead of Load is doable, but probably not on the next release! I’ll add it to the TODO list :).


    Sorry for bringing up this old thread, but such a feature would be really awesome.

    I think the only challenge here would be, that such a feature should compare the instruments of the imported song with the instruments of the existing song(s). It would reuse already existing instruments, add the new ones, and remap the instrument IDs in the pattern data.

    Maybe I can write an own python tool, which is just loading the two XML files of the AKS musics, compare the instrument parts and write a new one, but I am not sure, if I would get it all and manage it (xml is some time ahgo, since I am only working with Json now).


    Yeah, it’s an option I may be implementing one day.


    Here is a Python script for merging multiple AKS files as subsongs into a new one:

    usage: [filemask for multiple input AKS files] [output AKS file]

    Double instruments, arpeggios and pitches will be removed/reused.

    I am not an XML expert, and the script is a little bit quick and dirty. E.g. it expects some XML elements at its current positions.
    But at least for me it is working so far, so maybe it can be usefull for others as well 🙂

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