Fastest empty song?

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  • #30641

    Hi AT2 community!

    finally I am developing a sound daemon for SymbOS which is based on this great tracker.
    I figured out, that when playing an empty song (which is required, if you still want to play sound effects without using the standalone fx player) the player is still using around 6% CPU time. This is, when you just save an empty song after starting AT2.

    I just wonder, if there are some settings for an empty song could increase the speed?

    Best regards,



    Well, 6% is not much :). You could use the “player configuration” feature to only compile/use the feature of the sfx you want, but since your player is more generic, I don’t think this would work for you.

    One thing you could do is detect if no sound effect is being played (the pointers in the sfx players are (PLY_AKG_Channel1_SoundEffectData and so on are 0), and if this is the case, not call the player. However, make sure the PSG is fully mute when all the sounds are finished, because a sfx may not finish with a mute frame. You could it only once with the help of a flag to know whether you have mute the PSG (every frame, if all the pointers are 0, if muteFlag is true, return. Else, call the player once to mute the PSG, set the muteFlag to true. I guess this should work :).

    Hope this helps,


    Hi Targhan,

    thanks a lot for your answer!
    I did it now in another way, I am using both the normale player with sound effects, and the stand alone sound effect player. This makes it possible to pause a music, but still have the possibility to play effects, and then continue the music from the last position.
    Thanks for the hint regarding muting the PSG, if all effects are 0, as at this point I am stopping the standalone player indeed (if no music is played parallel).
    It’s really cool, that the AKG files are somehow compressed in such a good way, and it’s also great to have subsounds! It all fits very nice for me!

    Best regards,

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