Event channel features

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  • #30039

    We’re currently working on an acid-style demo with lots of different images, animations and colours.

    What we need to specify are lots of events within the song. Currently the sort of thing we need to say is:

    Play animation ‘1’ using colour style ‘1F’ in direction ‘reverse (2)’.

    Now I realise with the current event channel there are 256 things we could setup, but it would be great to be able to add more event channels, say, or more bytes to it, so that the above example might read ‘011F02’.

    I guess this is probably a fairly specific case and most demos might only require a few events in their story, but for acid demos, this would be useful. Is there anything we could a bit like this given the current AT2 setup?

    Also, the ability to import as well as exporting event information would be awesome. That way someone could work on the events and someone else on the music 🙂


    I don’t think anyone but you would need more than 256 events :). Plus it would increase the column width whereas not many people use it… So for now, I would say no…
    I suppose you have already thought about workarounds, but you could simply use one event only and that would move forward in your internal table of events.

    For the export, you can already do it. File > Export > Export events.
    For the import, this would prove a bit tricky to do (create tracks), and I don’t think anyone would use it… I’m sorry :).


    Thanks. I realise this is a fairly special case 😉

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