Winape errors with Player code

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  • #30271
    Brick Nash


    New AT2 user here and I have a question:

    I’m trying to use the Player(s) within Winape and I’m following the “using any assemblers” guide. I’ve got as far as making the collective asm file, but it’s throwing up almost 100 errors. The assembler doesn’t seem to recognise much of the syntax within the player code, and being a noob I’m kind of stuck for what to do.

    It seems to mostly be having issues with the equal to sign “=” and the error says “Code expected”, so I tried changing this to “EQU” but I just get a whole bunch of duplicate definitions now.

    As I say, I’m a bit of a noob at Z80 assembly, so I really don’t know what to do now, but I’ve included a screenshot, so any help would be great (I’m just using sound effects).

    Winape Errors

    Brick Nash

    Sorry the image didn’t embed, but the edit button takes me to a random post in the bug report section so I can’t fix it.



    I’ve just tested it once again just to be sure (I haven’t tested Winape assembler in a while :)), and it works perfectly. First, make sure you have the latest build of AT2 (alpha 9).

    Here is the summing up of the command lines to enter, extracted from the tutorial:

    rasm CompileAT2Files.asm -o UniversalAt2Files -s -sl -sq
    Disark UniversalAt2Files.bin At2Files.asm –symbolFile UniversalAt2Files.sym –sourceProfile winape

    Don’t forget to use “winape” in the “source profile”!

    Note that you have to compile the At2Files.asm with Winape, not any other file. You talk about “=” in the source code, but this should never happen in the generated file used for Winape, so my guess is that you compiled the wrong file.

    Keep me informed!


    Hi, I´am a new user of Arkos Tracker and I´m not able to use the compiled player under Winape. I follow the instructions and compile At2Files.asm without errors in Winape but I can´t play any song in Basic (the BasicInterruptions_CPC.dsk works well).
    I understand that I need to add a line in At2Files.asm final file with ‘org XXXX’ where x is the memory position where the player will be load into the emulator.


    The song doesn´t play. Something i´m doing wrong.

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