How to detect the end of a subsong

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  • #30572

    Hi, Julien!

    On another post you informed us that the best way to detect the end of a subsong is to put a flag in “LinkerPostPt” (more specifically after the “;End of song.” commented in the player source code).

    I tried it and its really works, but the player always loop and play the first note in the start of the subsong in the same frame that the flag in “LinkerPostPt” had set. So the detection occurs always after this first note is played again, just after the loop, and not exactly in the end of the subsong (after the last note).

    Do you know some way to avoid this happen?



    One simple solution would be to JP to PLY_LW_SaveSP once the “end of song” is reached. A bit brutal, but would work!

    The linker is checked first thing when playing a frame, so there should be any other note played. If that’s not subtle enough, tell me and I’ll come up with something else :).

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